Monday Nov. 6 - Wednesday Nov. 8 (each night from 7:30-8:30pm MST)

A replay of each session will be sent out if you can't make it live.

Join an amazing group of female personal business owners for this 3-day mastermind where I will teach you how to spend less than 30 minutes per day on Instagram while still using it to market your business.

Day 1: Setting up work-life boundaries

  • Figuring out what you value most
  • Choosing work hours (especially when your available time to work is unpredictable)
  • Setting up focus modes to support your life

Day 2: Using Instagram with purpose

  • Clarifying the purpose of Instagram in your business
  • Deciding which tasks to let go of
  • Planning when to create content
  • Knowing how to create content that sells
  • Scrolling with intention

Day 3: Actually sticking to the phone boundaries you set

  • Working through uncomfortable emotions that come with owning a personal business
  • Embracing mistakes
  • Allowing for flexibility
  • Refocusing on your purpose and values