a 6-month experience for moms who are ready to consistently make at least $1000 per month without working more than 10ish hours a week

☀️ you haven’t made much money in your business yet

☀️ you know you have the potential to make money and have an impact (but you’re having a hard time making it happen)

☀️ you felt inspired to start your business as a way to make a positive difference in the world

☀️ you haven’t been able to put as much time or effort into your business as you’d like because ultimately your family comes first

How does it work?

you join for 6 months and each month you get

☀️ one live workshop

highly interactive and hands-on 60 minute zoom call (including breakout rooms, group discussions, journaling exercises, active content creation)

☀️ one audio training

trainings are uploaded to a private podcast so you can listen on-the-go on any podcasting platform

☀️ one private coaching call + unlimited Voxer support

we can design a personalized strategy to help you make at least $1000/month

and you can reach out to me any time to get questions answered

Money-back Guarantee: You will consistently be making at least $1000 a month by the end of the 6 months, if not earlier (and if you're not, you can request a refund❤️)